Tuesday, 31 March 2020


Me walking along the Sussex beach:
I would not have gone if not for corona

There is only one thing to write about, of course: the corona virus outbreak. Rather than speculate on what is, has or might happen, I will just list - in no particular order - the top ten good and bad things that have been forced upon us by the outbreak.  We are in a much better position than others materially, having plenty of money and enough tasks to keep us occupied, but I will be glad when this is all over and can get back to 'normal'. You don't know hat you've got all it's gone, as Joni Mitchell's song says.

1. Exploring the local area on walks with my partner once a day. Rather than just going for a brisk walk I have been looking at what is around me and have discovered much more.
2. Greeting people on these walks.  We keep two metres away but usually say hello.
3. Learning successfully how to communicate remotely using the internet.
4. Establishing contact with people I have neglected, calling them to check they are ok.
5. Drinking is down, not up, which is a surprise and a bonus.
6. Doing some writing - although not as much as I would like or thought I would.
7. Learning to cook some new dishes, instead of the same old comfort food staples.
8. Spending time with my partner - and not throttling her (or her throttling me).
9. Sleeping through the night without going to the loo. (I have no idea why I can do it now.)
10. Having clean hands most of the time.

1. Missing the theatre, cinema, art galleries bookshops and all the other places I visit.
2. Not spending time with my children - or my new granddaughter.
3. Not seeing friends.
4. Not going out for a drive or travelling on a train.
5. Not learning a new language or one of the many other things I ought to be doing.
6. Failing to finish walking the South Downs Way before being stopped form going there.
7. Watching the ratings of politicians I dislike going up instead of down.  This is not surprising, as people cling to certainty in times of trouble, and it may pass. We may even get rid of them later, which means I could switch this to the first list.
8. Watching people being stupid by mingling too close.  As it has hit our Prime Minister and heir to the throne, they should realise that no-one is immune from catching/passing a virus on.
9. Panic buying, although I understand why it happens.  People have little else to do, want to get out of the house and need far more than they usually buy because they are at home. 
10. The state of uncertainty which comes from not knowing when this will all end.

Edwin Lerner

My other blog is diaryofatouristguide.blogspot.com which I will continue to post every Monday, even though no-ne can go on tours while the outbreak lasts.